Motorcycles are not set to be restricted from using green lanes, it has emerged after a UK government consultation on a Landscapes Review.
The consultation, which was in regards to the use of motorised vehicles in general on green roads, asked: “Should we give National Parks Authorities and the Broads Authority and local highway authorities additional powers to restrict recreational motor vehicle use on unsealed routes?”
The National Motorcyclists Council (NMC) and the Trail Riders Fellowship (TRF) both worked together with the Land Access and Recreational Association (LARA) to organise a response to the consultation which also involved green lane users, who presented their opposition to potential restrictions in green lane use for motorised transport.
The government’s response reads: “The consultation shows many people feel strongly about protecting green lanes, but it did not identify clear support for removing vehicular rights. Therefore, we will not proceed with this proposal. We believe that the current Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process is legally robust enough to protect green lanes with carefully targeted local action to protect sensitive areas while allowing vehicle users to responsibly enjoy the countryside.”
The government’s decisions, which the NMC says it supports “fully,” means that users of motorised vehicles - including motorcycles - still have access to the UK’s 6,000 miles of green roads.
Graeme Collins, CEO of the TRF said: “We share the government’s vision for greater public access to the countryside and protecting the natural landscape and look forward to working closely in partnership with Government and the National Park Authorities. There is much that can be done to secure a long-term inclusive solution that protects motorcycling in the countryside and the Green Road Network, though today’s announcement is very welcome indeed.
“This clearly shows how individuals can make a difference by responding to consultations and I would like to thank all those who responded to the Landscapes Review Consultation last year.”